
YARA malware query accelerator (web frontend)

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User management

By default, every mquery user enjoys full admin rights. This is useful for trying it out, and for locked down or small deployments. But for larger multi-user deplotments, it may be useful to restrict what users can do by default.

Optional user management in mquery is role-based, and handled by OIDC.

Role-based permissions

There are two predefined permission sets that can be assigned to users:

Role names are considered stable, and will continue to work in the future.

User permissions are then split into more fine-grained permissions:

It’s possible to assign some of these roles directly (instead of giving the user role), but they’re currently not considered stable and may change in some future new version.

(Note: in the current version there is no isolation between users, and users can view/stop/delete each other queries. This may change in the future)

OIDC integration

Mquery doesn’t implement user management. Instead, this is delegated to an external system, and authentication is handled via OpenID Connect.

Roles are granted to users by JWT tokens via OIDC, using the resource_access key. For example, token that grants admin role in the mquery client may look like this:

  "exp": 1643215666,
  "iat": 1643215366,
  "auth_time": 1643215365,
  "jti": "d82332f7-d22c-45ff-a6dd-cb33fc1526a3",
  "sid": "4c9f8999-dcb3-48b3-a7ef-aad4cf44f518",
  "iss": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/myrealm",
  "aud": "account",
  "sub": "f7ddae72-63e8-4233-a83b-699643761a6e",
  "typ": "Bearer",
  "azp": "mquery",
  "session_state": "4c9f8999-dcb3-48b3-a7ef-aad4cf44f518",
  "acr": "1",
  "realm_access": {
    "roles": [
  "resource_access": {
    "mquery": {
      "roles": [
  "scope": "email profile",
  "email_verified": false,
  "preferred_username": "msm"

Token generation is handled by the OIDC software automatically. Administrators just have to assign appropriate permissions and groups to the allowed users.

Step-by-step Configuration

In this section we will go over configuration using Keycloak - open source identity management solution. In principle, it should work with any other OIDC-capable system.

We assume that mquery is hosted at http://localhost, and Keycloak is hosted at http://localhost:8080. Change the URLs as necessary for your deployment.

Warning the proces is tricky, and right now it’s missing a proper validation. It’s possible to lock yourself out (by enabling auth before configuring it correctly). If you do this, you have to disable auth manually, by running redis-cli (sudo docker-compose exec redis redis-cli for docker) and executing HMSET plugin:Mquery auth_enabled "".

Step 0 (optional): enable auth in non-enforcing mode

Step 1: configure keycloak

Step 2: configure mquery

Go back to the config page again (http://localhost/config).

Step 3: enable auth in enforcing mode

Final result:

Step 4: reload and done

Reload the page. You should be redirected to your login page. Enter the password you’ve configured, and if everything was set-up correctly, you should be back as a logged in user.